Testing the Forever Aloe Vera Range PART ONE (& A Welcome Back)

Hey guys!
First things first, this seems to happen quite a lot when it comes to me blogging. I do it non stop every week for about two to three months then I instantly slow down and don't have the time to blog.

However, last week I was approached by a lady called Claire at work who is part of the Forever beauty range team. She asked me if I was interested in testing the product and learning more about the business, which of course I was. I then met Claire at her house where she briefly talked about the products that Forever offered and how the company had changed her life.(More on this will be featured on Fashion-North.com) She allowed me to take a huge pamper box home with me to test out over the next week. At first, I was rather scared as I have really sensitive skin and was worried that a new product might irritate it as it is really hard for me to find anything that I can put on my skin, whether it is lotion, body wash or an exfoliator. My skin just instantly comes out in rashes. (If anyone has any other recommendations then let me know in the comment box below!)
Forever is a company that offers Aloe Vera products that are created by using 100% natural ingredients.

Hand Sanitizer

SO, when I got home, I used the hand sanitizer that came in the pamper box and OH MY GOD the smell on this was just incredible. My hands felt so soft afterwards, which is unusual as I find that some sanitizers leave my hands feeling quite rough and dry so I have to use a moisturiser on top of this to make my hands feel soft again. The sanitizer contains aloe vera and honey, which help to make  skin feel soft. The smell of honey was incredible. 
You only need a tiny amount of this

Lotion Moisturiser & Lotion

Now you may ask, Louise what is the difference between these two products? Is there much difference at all? Well my answer to that is yes. It is really hard to describe how they are different, until you actually try the product for yourself. On my left arm I used the moisturizing lotion and on my right I used the normal lotion. I used both of this after my bath (not together haha) So one on Tuesday night and one on Wednesday night to compare the difference and my personal favourite is the moisturzing lotion, I felt that this made my skin feel more softer than the normal lotion. Both products felt non sticky to which was a bonus for when I put my PJ's on.



  LEFT                                                                                                       RIGHT

Overall Impression

From reading so much about these products over the last few years, I rather enjoyed testing them out! It was a whole new experience for me and I was terrified that they would make me come out in a rash due to my sensitive skin but did it? NOPE!
I highly recommend everyone trying out the Forever range. If you would like more details then email me at louisebarber17@gmail.com

Next Sunday(September 4) I will be testing out the shampoo and conditioner and the deep heat lotion.

Hope you enjoyed this comeback! 
Let me know what you think! 

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